There are many ways you can support our exonerees as they work through the challenges of re-entry.
Assist Exonerees
While our clients–those who have served their time and continue to fight their wrongful conviction, and exonerees alike–are their own best advocates, we all need a hand from time to time.
The best way that you can do to help an EP client get back on their feet is to recommend affordable housing and friendly employers. It is very hard to be released from prison after decades spent struggling to survive wrongful incarceration only to encounter the very real struggle of re-entry into a society that offers very little in the way of rehabilitative or social services.
In addition, exonerees and wrongful conviction survivors often organize their own crowdfunding and small businesses that you can support directly. The following is an active list.
Current Crowdfunding
Small Businesses
Intimate Sentiments by Andre Mauldin
Intimate Sentiments specializes in custom gift baskets as well many other gifts for any occasion and delivers all over the continental U.S when shipping & handling is provided, items ordered to be delivered in Chicagoland area have free shipping. For orders, questions or inquires, e-mail See Intimate Sentiments on Facebook.