Frank Drew Exonerated After 24 Years Wrongfully Incarcerated

On March 12, EP client Frank Drew was exonerated after spending 24 years wrongfully incarcerated for a 1996 homicide that he did not commit. Mr. Drew’s conviction was vacated and he was released following an evidentiary hearing in 2022, but he faced retrial for two years until the charges against him were dropped in March….

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C.J. Rice Exonerated After 12 Years Wrongfully Incarcerated

This morning, C.J. Rice was exonerated after spending 12 years incarcerated for a 2011 Philadelphia shooting that left four people injured. His case has received national attention since CNN Chief Correspondent Jake Tapper began reporting on the story in fall 2022, culminating in a 2022 piece for The Atlantic: “My Father’s Quest to Free C.J….

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Frank Burrell Exonerated After 20 Years Wrongfully Incarcerated

On Tuesday, March 5th, EP client Frank Burrell was exonerated after spending some 20 years wrongfully incarcerated and after years of hard-fought litigation, including facing retrial for the last four years after the Court of Appeals vacated Mr. Burrell’s conviction and ordered his release in 2019. The process was difficult. Mr. Burrell had to fight…

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Harold Staten Exonerated After 38 Years Wrongfully Incarcerated

Congratulations to Harold Staten on his exoneration yesterday! Mr. Staten was exonerated and released from the State Correctional Institution at Phoenix in Collegeville, PA last night after spending nearly 38 years imprisoned for a crime that never occurred. EP Attorney Amelia Maxfield represents Mr. Staten with the Pennsylvania Innocence Project and pro bono attorneys from…

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Jimmy Soto Exonerated, Becomes Longest Wrongfully Incarcerated Person in Illinois History

On December 14, 2023, EP client Jimmy Soto was exonerated after spending 42 years wrongfully incarcerated. Jimmy was exonerated alongside his cousin and co-defendant David Ayala – the men are now the longest wrongfully incarcerated persons in Illinois state history. They were convicted at ages 20 and 18 respectively of murders in which no physical…

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Patrick Taylor Exonerated After 16 Years Imprisoned in Case Marred by Egregious Misconduct

Yesterday, EP client Patrick Taylor was exonerated after spending 16 years wrongfully imprisoned in a case marred by egregious misconduct. Mr. Taylor was convicted of a 2006 murder almost based solely on mistaken eyewitness testimony. Over the past several years, Mr. Taylor caught the State withholding exculpatory evidence. In April 2023, the misconduct unraveled when…

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Frankie Benitez Exonerated After 34 Years Wrongfully Imprisoned

Congratulations to our client Frankie Benitez on his very deserved exoneration that occurred September 26, 2023. His conviction was vacated by a Cook County judge in August and in September the State dropped charges. Mr. Benitez spent almost 34 years wrongfully incarcerated and was only 18 when he was convicted. Mr. Benitez was only 18…

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Louis Robinson Exonerated, Becomes 42nd Guevara Exoneree

On August 10, 2023, our client Louis Robinson saw freedom for the first time in 27 years after the Court vacated his homicide conviction. His post-conviction petition detailed the evidence of Guevara’s misconduct in his case as well as his pattern of similar misconduct in dozens of other cases. Mr. Robinson was framed for a…

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Joseph Janke Exonerated After Spending 10 Years Wrongfully Incarcerated

This morning, EP client Joseph Janke was exonerated following a re-trial in May. Mr. Janke was convicted of a 2012 attempted murder in Harvey, Illinois and spent 10 years wrongfully incarcerated. The shooters were 165 feet away from the victims and the shooting happened quickly. There were five victim-eyewitnesses, and three noted that they were in…

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